🌱 DPD Domestic Violence Help + 4th Annual Black College Expo

Happy Friday, neighbors! Let’s catch up with you all to start with an informed note today.

First the weather today:

Plenty of sunshine. High: 84 Low: 68.

Here are the top stories in Dallas today:

  1. DPD works with that Dallas County Constable’s Office and other law enforcement agencies to fight domestic violence. You want survivors to know that help is available and that there are resources like the unknown part of the Texas real estate code which enables victims to break a rental agreement if they are victims of family violence, certain sexual offenses and stalking for which a special protection order against the perpetrator is in place. (CBS Dallas / Fort Worth)
  2. The National College Resources Foundation hosts the Fourth annual Black College Expo event in Dallas this weekend. The event will take place on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Paul Quinn College, is located 3837 Simpson Stuart Street. According to National College Resources Foundation, American Airlines conducts on-site interviews for jobs and careers. (NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth)
  3. Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o beamed in to help 2021 New Friends New Life Lunch Giving influence to women. (KulturKarte Dallas)
  4. A woman is suing them Dallas World Aquarium after she said her son was attacked by a giant otter. (NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth)
  5. Dallas Police Department seek three people related to Juan Garcias & Ruby Gonzalez’s Murders. (FOX 4 Dallas)

Today’s Dallas Daily is Brought to you by our friends at Verizon. You are building the fastest 5G network in the country. To learn how 5G will change life for you and your community – and to get access to this amazing technology – click here. And thank you Verizon for sponsoring this community resource in Huntsville!

From our sponsors – thank you for supporting local news!

Selected companies:

  • Free Covid Tests LLC – Free Covid Testing For Everyone – Drive Thru – 17776 Dallas Pkwy (visit website)
  • Soldiers-4-Christ Ministries International Headquarters – Help for homeless veterans and homeless people
  • Oak Farms Dairy – Win up to $ 10,000 for your local high school (visit website)
  • iPlanets Academy Hybrid Homeschool & Learning in Summer – K-5th Hybrid Homeschool Classes | After school | Overnight stays (visit website)
  • Add your company here


Now you are up to date and can really start this Friday. See you all tomorrow morning for another update! When you feel these newsletters, consider inviting some of your friends and neighbors to read along. You can send them this link to subscribe.

Nicole Fallon-Peek

About me: Nicole Fallon-Peek is a journalist and copywriter with a degree in media, culture and communication from New York University. She has worked as a freelance reporter, editor-in-chief, editor and editor-in-chief for a variety of B2B news agencies. She is currently co-owner and operator of the content creation agency Lightning Media Partners.
