Celebrate the holidays with some Latino traditions
The WFAA has compiled a list of events that take place in December that celebrate Latino traditions from dishes to important dates.
TEXAS, USA – This article will be constantly updated as we hear about further events.
In the month of December, Latin American countries have their own unique traditions for celebrating the holidays. In Colombia, the holiday season begins with the Día de las Velitas, when families light candles in honor of the Virgin Mary and her Immaculate Conception. In Mexico the posadas is the reenactment of Joseph and Mary who seek refuge on their way to Bethlehem.
Throughout the month, several organizations are holding events at the metroplex to celebrate these traditions.
The WFAA has compiled a list of these events.
Winter tradition in Latin America
Discover the different traditions in Latin America in winter.
Learn the traditional ponche or fruit punch with one of Anita N. Martinez Ballet Folklorico‘S own artist.
Where: 3677 Mapleshade Ln, Plano, TX 75075
Attend LULAC District 3 for the 17th Annual Cena en el Barrio. For the past 17 years, LULAC, in partnership with North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) and HEB Grocery Co., has packaged groceries and sent them to some of the poorest families and seniors in North Texas as part of the annual Cena. delivered en el Barrio food distribution event. Volunteers are also needed.
Where: 15203 Midway Road, Addison, TX 75001
This year there will be food, shows, live music and a candle day celebration.
When: December 11th at 6pm – 8pm
Where: Oak Cliff Cultural Center, 223 W Jefferson Blvd Dallas, TX 75208
An art exhibition that explores the world of professional Mexican style wrestling. Curated by Dallas artist and curator Jose Vargas.
When: Dec. 12, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: Latino Cultural Center, 2600 Live Oak St., Dallas
Celebrate Guadalupe the Virgin
When: December 12th at 1:15 p.m.
Where: Cathedral of Hope, 5910 Cedar Springs Rd., Dallas, TX 75235
Every year millions of Latinx peoples remember the story of Juan Diego, an indigenous person who miraculously witnessed an apparition of the Virgin Mary in December 1531.
Learn about the tradition and history of the Three Kings.
2. Annual lights in El Barrio
Where: 5227 Nomas St. Dallas, 75212
Drive-through lighting in Nomas St. with Christmas carols, food, gifts and more.