Dallas to showcase its ‘Greatest’ | News
Itemizer observer report
DALLAS – The Dallas community must make up for lost time this Friday as the Dallas Area Chamber of Commerce hosts the 63rd and 64th annual Community Awards on Friday.
The event, dubbed the “Greatest Awards Show on Earth”, will honor the 2019 and 2020 winners as the award ceremony was canceled last year due to the pandemic.
This year the event moved to a new location on BeckenRidge Vineyard, 300 Reuben Boise Road. The event kicks off at 6 p.m. with a dinner hosted by A Covered Affair.
Each year the DACC selects winners from community nominations in the following categories: Junior First Citizen, First Citizen, Young Pro, Outstanding Organization, Business of the Year and Lifetime Achievement.
The winners are
Michele Stein – life’s work
Some things – business of the year
Dallas Food Bank – Outstanding Organization
Synergize Auto – Young Pro Winner
Jon Hess – First Citizen
Piper Gregory – Jr. First Citizen
Joe Flande – Lifetime Achievement
Willamette Valley Fiber – Business of the Year
Shared closet – Excellent organization
Jordan del Greco – Young Pro winner
Bev Shein – First Citizen
Megan Fogg – Jr. First Citizen
Tickets are available online on the Dallas Chamber of Commerce Facebook page, www.facebook.com/dallasoregonchamber/. Tickets are $ 50.