Decades after closure of lead smelter, voices rise against other West Dallas polluters

When Janie Cisneros was pregnant with her now 22-month-old daughter, she had a heightened sense of smell, making odors similar to rotten eggs and burning tires more pungent.

The West Dallas native, who lives a few hundred feet away from an asphalt shingle plant and in a region crowded with industrial facilities, said she could tell by the smell when leaving her home whether it would be a good day to walk in her neighborhood. Now that outside groups have placed air monitors near the shingle plant, Cisneros is also more concerned about what impact pollution from facilities may be having on residents’ health.

“That adds a whole nother layer,” she said.

The ZIP code where Cisneros lives, 75212, is home to the largest amount of permitted air pollution in Dallas, according to an assessment of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Environmental Protection Agency data published last year by researchers at Paul Quinn College. For decades, residents have voiced concerns about the health impacts of industries in the region, culminating in the EPA adding a lead smelter to its list of most contaminated sites in the country in the 1990s.

GAF, a roofing materials company headquartered in New Jersey, operates its West Dallas facility at 2600 Singleton Blvd., near a library branch, homes and the Thomas A. Edison Middle Learning Center building, where Thomas Jefferson High School students attend classes after being displaced by tornado damage in 2019. GAF recently applied to renew a federal air quality permit, but residents are concerned about the odors, noises and pollutants that come from the roofing manufacturer and other facilities in the area.

The site was formerly operated by roofing material manufacturer Ruberoid Co. until the company merged with GAF and acquired its name in 1967.

Since 2016, the TCEQ has tracked five complaints regarding the GAF site, including three this year. Of those complaints, the agency has not cited the company for violations, but investigations are set to take place for the most recent ones.

TCEQ contracts with the city of Dallas’ Air Pollution Control program to investigate complaints within city limits, according to commission spokesperson Gary Rasp. In addition, the city investigates cases outside of the state agency’s authority.

GAF declined requests for an interview with The Dallas Morning News, but responded in an emailed statement.

“For each complaint, GAF conducts an internal investigation and the local air pollution control agency conducts an investigation,” the email said. “None of these investigations have identified any evidence to corroborate any of the complaints.”

In 2019, the GAF plant was the top emitter of sulfur dioxide and volatile organic compounds among major facilities in Dallas County, according to inventory data from the TCEQ. The EPA notes that sulfur dioxide can make breathing difficult, and volatile organic compounds can contribute to the formation of smog.

The TCEQ data also shows the GAF site ranked in the top five in the county for two types of inhalable particulate matter, which can have wide-ranging health effects.

The TCEQ says the devices the company uses to limit air pollution are sufficient.

Legacy of lead smelter

Some residents and activists say the GAF plant should be moved out of the neighborhood.

That includes Luis Sepulveda, a former Dallas County justice of the peace and founding president of the West Dallas Coalition for Environmental Justice.

“Like the lead smelter, if it’s harmful, if it’s dangerous, if it’s no good for the community, it’s got to go,” Sepulveda said. “And GAF has got to go. There’s no compromise at this point.”

Luis Sepulveda, 69, founding president of the West Dallas Coalition for Environmental Justice, poses for a portrait in front of the GAF roofing materials plant, Monday, August 16, 2021 in West Dallas.  Sepulveda, who has long advocated for environmental justice in West Dallas has recently joined a locally organized effort concerned about potential pollutants, odors and noise from the GAF plant, where his father once worked. Luis Sepulveda, 69, founding president of the West Dallas Coalition for Environmental Justice, poses for a portrait in front of the GAF roofing materials plant, Monday, August 16, 2021 in West Dallas. Sepulveda, who has long advocated for environmental justice in West Dallas has recently joined a locally organized effort concerned about potential pollutants, odors and noise from the GAF plant, where his father once worked. (Jeffrey McWhorter / Special Contributor)

Sepulveda, whose father spent over 20 years working at the site where GAF currently operates, has spoken out about the impact of West Dallas industries for decades.

Julia Sepulveda, his mother, said residents and activists may be more successful in addressing concerns about contaminants than she was speaking out in the past about facilities in the area.

“In that time, we were just poor people living there,” she said. “We couldn’t even move ourselves out [of] there, and they didn’t listen to us.”

Of the more than 26,000 people with the 75212 ZIP code, about a quarter live below the poverty line, according to 2019 U.S. census data. Most of the residents in the area are Hispanic and/or Black.

Luis Sepulveda was also active in the fight against an RSR Corporation lead smelter that operated in West Dallas for almost five decades. Jessica Lynn Sepulveda, his daughter who grew up in Arcadia Park, remembers attending environmental justice demonstrations with him to protest the smelter.

“It was very communal. It was not as if it was just me, it was, there were other children from these families,” she said. “It was a very large community group through that West Dallas coalition that were out at almost every activity.”

The RSR site was added to the EPA’s National Priorities List in 1995, and the agency worked to clean up the site and surrounding region.

But the lead smelter’s legacy informs current efforts to address air quality in the area.

“This new fight against GAF is just kind of — it’s a continuation of a fight that’s been going a long time to clean up the air and soil of an area that has essentially been a dumping ground for decades,” said Stephanie Champion, an attorney for Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas.

GAF is far from the only major polluter in the area.

Magellan Distributing Facility, Dallas Woodcraft, GAF and Motiva Dallas Terminal are some of the biggest polluters in the 75212 ZIP code, according to the Paul Quinn College study.

Julia Sepulveda believes air pollution from facilities in West Dallas has contributed to health problems among residents.

Sepulveda, who has had part of her lung removed due to cancer, said residents getting involved for the first time with efforts to combat area pollution need to keep fighting.

“I would tell them they are not liars. They’re telling the truth,” she said. “They know that they’re sick.”

Jeff Howard, environmental justice coordinator for West Dallas 1, a coalition of neighborhood groups, said at times when he goes walking a couple miles from the GAF site, he can smell pollutants in the area.

“I think anybody that’s lived in West Dallas for any length of time — and I include myself, I’ve lived there for 20 years — you can smell it. You can hear it,” Howard said. “Especially when it’s overcast and it’s humid out, the smell is really unbearable.”

Residents Gabriel Perez and Rebeca Navarro, who live on the same street as Cisneros, also said they’ve smelled an odor similar to burning rubber.

Pawel Misztal, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin with expertise in building energy and environments, said asphalt is known to emit various air toxins; however, it’s important to measure how much of those toxins are being released. He said odors don’t always indicate high levels of air toxins.

The EPA defines hazardous air pollutants as ones “known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects, or adverse environmental effects.”

In 2019, GAF reported disposing or releasing about 7% of the total hazardous air pollution reported on-site at facilities in the 75212 ZIP code required to participate in the EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory program. Off-site, GAF reported releasing or disposing about 47% of total hazardous air pollution from those same facilities.

Residents of the neighborhood where the GAF plant operates are concerned about the potential impacts air pollution can have on their health. Residents of the neighborhood where the GAF plant operates are concerned about the potential impacts air pollution can have on their health. (Shelby Tauber / Special Contributor)

Monitoring conducted by Legal Aid since 2020 near the GAF plant shows high levels of particulate matter no larger than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, what researchers call PM 2.5. Air quality advocacy group Downwinders at Risk began monitoring near the site in July.

Natalie Johnson, vice chair of the Interdisciplinary Program in Toxicology at Texas A&M’s School of Public Health, said PM 2.5 can have wide-ranging health impacts, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, premature death, asthma, respiratory infections and cognitive effects.

“I don’t think there’s an organ that PM does not affect,” Johnson said.

There have been no thorough health outcome studies focused on the GAF site.

The GAF spokesperson wrote that the plant uses various air pollution control devices, in line with what’s required by the TCEQ.

“Our West Dallas plant maintains compliance with applicable air quality standards through the operation of various state-of-the-industry air pollution control devices, including a thermal oxidizer, fabric filter baghouses, dust collectors, and a coalescing filter,” the spokesperson wrote.

Kerry Kinney, a professor of environmental engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, said that although she can’t comment on GAF in particular, thermal oxidizers, if operated properly, can limit 99% of emissions.

David Randolph, a former shingle plant manager for Owens Corning, a building materials company, said he can’t comment on GAF’s processes in particular without knowing the specifics. But he said the types of devices used at facilities aren’t the only things that matter when it comes to controlling pollution.

“Just because you meet a requirement for the permit — to get the permit for a piece of equipment that you install in your plant — doesn’t mean that you’re in compliance,” Randolph said. “You may have the best technology available, but if it’s not operating like it should be, or being operated in a proper manner, it’s not doing what it was designed to do.”

Proximity to residents

On July 29, the TCEQ held a public meeting on GAF’s federal air quality permit renewal in which numerous residents and activists voiced their concerns over air quality near the site.

The closest TCEQ air monitor to the GAF plant is about a mile northwest.

TCEQ places monitors in areas “frequented by the public,” Rasp said in an email. The agency usually monitors air quality to determine impacts from a variety of sources, rather than from specific facilities.

Residents and activists are also concerned that the GAF site is operating without what the city calls a specific use permit, which sites that were established more recently need if facilities are making asphalt products.

But the GAF site was established before those requirements were set and is operating without this permit as an exception, according to city spokeswoman Jenna Carpenter.

While the site where GAF operates was previously zoned for heavy industrial use, the zoning was changed in the 1980s for research and development, light industrial, office, and supporting commercial uses, Carpenter said via email.

A GAF spokesperson wrote that the plant uses various air pollution control devices, in line with what’s required by the TCEQ.A GAF spokesperson wrote that the plant uses various air pollution control devices, in line with what’s required by the TCEQ.(Shelby Tauber / Special Contributor)

Carpenter wrote that the city will continue to conduct routine inspections and respond to complaints regarding the facility.

Evelyn Mayo, a fellow at Paul Quinn College who works with the Neighborhood Self Defense Project, which is aimed at combating racist zoning, said this lack of permit is reminiscent of issues that lead to the RSR lead smelter and Shingle Mountain, an illegal pileup of roofing materials that was recently removed in southern Dallas’ Floral Farms neighborhood.

“Similar to Shingle Mountain where you had this perfect storm of negligence, we’re hoping that these are intervention points that can be highlighted and leveraged to make it clear this does not — GAF does not belong in a neighborhood, in a residential community,” said Mayo, chair of Downwinders at Risk.

Similar to the area surrounding GAF, Shingle Mountain was also in a predominantly Black and Hispanic part of the city.

Raul Reyes Jr., president of West Dallas 1, grew up under the legacy of the lead plant in the area. Now, he’s fighting for better air quality for the younger generation.

“As we’re moving forward as a community — and obviously through the issues of gentrification and the economic development that’s happening in West Dallas — well, we have agreed that much of the industrial zoning that’s in West Dallas, is no longer compatible with the community,” Reyes said.

Citing findings from Legal Aid and Downwinders at Risk air monitoring, Jim Schermbeck, director of Downwinders at Risk, said in the July TCEQ meeting that the group wants the EPA to monitor air quality around the GAF site’s fence line.

Rasp said the TCEQ is drafting responses to public comments from the July meeting.

The agency will submit its responses and the permit application to the EPA for a 45-day review, according to EPA Region 6 spokeswoman Jennah Durant. Unless the EPA objects, the permit will be issued and the public will have two months to petition to object to the permit.

In the meantime, residents plan to remain vocal.

Cisneros said attention brought to the concerns of residents needs to be sustained.

“One thing is to not know the severity of the situation, and the other thing is to know,” Cisneros said. “What we do with that information matters.”

Staff researcher Ana Niño contributed to this report.
