Drilling report: Oct. 17-23, 2021 | Local


District operator Lease / Well Field investigation type Depth Location

Angelina Aethon Energy Operating LLC. Titan Gas Unit / 1H Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Swift, W. Gas 16200 10 miles northeast of Lufkin

Angelina Aethon Energy Operating LLC. Titan Gas Unit / 3HB Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Swift, W. Gas 16200 20 miles northeast of Lufkin

Angelina Aethon Energy Operating LLC. Gasosaurus Gas Unit / 2H Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Crafton, JR Gas 16500 10 km northeast of Lufkin

Angelina Aethon Energy Operating LLC. Gasosaurus Gas Unit / 3HB Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Crafton, JR Gas 16500 10 km northeast of Lufkin

Angelina Aethon Energy Operating LLC. Rainier Gas Unit / 3H Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Odell, S. Gas 17200 10 miles east of Lufkin

Angelina Aethon Energy Operating LLC. Rainier Gas Unit / 4H Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Odell, S. Gas 17200 10 miles east of Lufkin

Cass Rose City Resources LLC. Bailey / 1 Hidden Rock (Cotton Valley Lime) Wellborn, K. Oil 11300 5.2 miles south of Linden

Harrison Rockcliff Energy Operating LLC. Moseley HV Unit D / 4H Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Shandoin, J. Gas 13000 4.5 miles northeast of Elysian Field

Harrison Rockcliff Energy Operating LLC. Moseley HV Unit E / 5H Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Shandoin, J. Gas 13000 4.5 miles northeast of Elysian Field

Kaufman Beverly Hillbilly Operating LLC. Akin / 1 Tawakoni, South Walker, J. Oil 10,000 10.2 miles northeast of Terrell

Panola Select Energy Services Bethany SWD / 2 Bethany (Travis Peak Cons.) Anderson, BW Injection well 8292, 1.5 miles east of Panola

Panola Slant Operating LLC. Gleason / 1H Carthage (Cotton Valley) Romero, MA Oil or Gas 9600 1.1 miles northwest of Clayton

Robertson Comstock Oil & Gas LLC. Circle M. Alloc / 1H Bald Prairie Davlin, H. Gas 17000 12.8 miles northeast of Franklin

Wood Strand Energy LC Ray / 1 Wildcat Houston, S. Oil or Gas 9900 8.4 miles northeast of Lindale


District Operator Lease / Well Depth of field Flow rate (42 hours) Throttle size Location

Cherokee Valence Operating Company Montano / 1H Overton (Cotton Valley Sand) 12210 N / AN / A 8 km southwest of Troup

Cherokee Faulconer, Vernon E. Inc. Ed Northcutt / 1W Troup, West (Rucker) 12100 N / AN / A 0.5 mile southeast of Troup

Gregg Dallas Manufacturing Company LLC. McLendon-Combest ‘D’ / 5 Willow Springs (T. Peak Trans.) 11013 N / AN / A 11 miles northwest of Longview

Gregg Neches Exploration LLC. Castleberry / 5 Willow Springs (Travis Peak) 10839 N / AN / A in Longview

Harrison Sheridan Production Co. III LLC. Davis, Jim et al./5 Waskom (Paluxy, below) 9650 N / AN / A 1 mile northwest of Waskom

Houston Rusk Energy Operating LLC. Shaw, Mollie / 34 Trinity 2955 N / AN / A 5.2 miles east of Weldon

Navarro Kilmarnock Oil Company Inc. McKie, WJ “A” / 1 Powell 3306 N / AN / A 8 miles southeast of Corsicana

Panola Rockcliff Energy Operating LLC. Louis-Matthews HV Unit B / 2H Carthage (Haynesville Shale) 10852 21667 31/64 10 km southeast of DeBerry

Panola Valence Operating Company Carthage Gas Unit 17/7 Carthage (Cotton Valley) 9741 N / AN / A 8.4 miles southwest of Carthage

Rusk East Tex Salt Water Disposal Co. Pew / 6 East Texas 3817 N ​​/ AN / A 3.5 miles southwest of Kilgore

Rusk East Tex Salt Water Disposal Co. Zeppa-Thompson / 3 East Texas 3818 N / AN / A 2 miles southwest of New London

Rusk Sabine Oil & Gas Corporation Byron-Benton (AW) / 1H Henderson, E. (Cotton Valley) 10882 N / AN / A 5 miles southwest of Henderson

Rusk Sabine Oil & Gas Corporation Byron-Benton (AW) / 2H Henderson, E. (Cotton Valley) 10789 N / AN / A 5 miles southwest of Henderson

Smith Valence Operating Company / Bracken Grandchildren Trust / 1WD Noonday (Travis Peak) 13000 N / AN / A 0.1 mile east of Noonday

Smith Valence Operating Company Flint SWD / 1 Girlie Caldwell 7510 N / AN / A 2.4 miles southwest of Noonday

– The drill report was generated using data from the Texas Railroad Commission October 17-23. The following counties were searched: Anderson, Angelina, Camp, Cass, Cherokee, Dallas, Ellis, Franklin, Freestone, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Houston, Kaufman, Leon, Limestone, Marion, Nacogdoches, Navarro, Panola, Rains, Robertson, Rusk , San Augustine, Shelby, Smith, Upshur, Van Zandt and Wood.
