Enchilada restaurant Lada is closed in Far North Dallas, for now

The enchilada restaurant Lada in the north of Dallas Dallas is closed, confirms co-owner Jennifer Huen. But she says it could be reopened.

She cites adjustment problems and maintenance work as reasons why the restaurant is not open – and a sign on the door says “closed for repairs”.

The lease is still current.

Lada Horchata was more than just a funny name: it was a delicious blend of homemade rice milk with cinnamon and a coffee tamarind syrup.(Lynda M. González / photographer)

Lada was the first new restaurant to open in a redeveloped area of ​​north Dallas, near Hillcrest and Arapaho Streets, just blocks from the west side of Richardson. Lada debuted in November 2020 with a menu from Chef Michael Ehlert, the former fine dining chef in the French Room.

But Ehlert left in June 2021. What would become of his enchilada shop?

Since August 2021, I have been asking about the fate of Lada and wondering how things could go on without his cook. Lada continued to sell “tipsy chicken” enchiladas, ricotta cheddar enchiladas, grilled elote and the like through October 8, until the temporary closure began, Huen says. CultureMap reported that it was closed on October 12th.

What remains is a room bathed in desert tones by the design firm Michael Hsu Office of Architecture from Austin. The company has given bold looks to restaurants like Uchi, Mendocino Farms, and the now-closed Gung Ho. For the counter-order store Lada, it was impressive to work with Michael Hsu on the design.

The development in which Lada opened is anchored by a green space and a playground – a “mini Klyde Warren park” as some call it. The park is lined with Haystack Burgers and several upcoming restaurants including Cane Rosso.

For more food news, follow Sarah Blaskovich on Twitter @sblaskovich.

Shelby Presser (left) and Terri Hankins enjoy a few drinks after lunch at Lada, the only open restaurant so far that overlooks the park in Hillcrest Village in Far North Dallas.  In 2021, the area behind the tree will become 1.5 hectares of green space with half a dozen restaurants with terraces.
