Find Plano apartment complex ratings with this map

When renting or looking for an apartment in Plano, the city has a formal process of assessing complexes and enforcing basic building and living standards.

The rental registration and inspection program is set to preserve “the most desirable apartment buildings in the country,” according to the program’s website. It includes a process for enforcing minimum building standards and property maintenance, and homeowners can receive notifications or fines for violations.

A city ordinance requires that any apartment building that is five or more years old register with the Property Standards Director. There are some exceptions, depending on the age of the building and whether or not a valid complaint has recently been received.

Housing note card

The map below, available on the city’s website, shows inspection ratings from “A” to “F” for the exterior and interior of apartment complexes. It also includes the date the property was viewed and when it will expire, as well as the number of units and the year of construction. Some have additional information such as a website or email address for the complex.

Plano development history

Some Plano residents have opposed building more housing in the city of 285,000, preferring to keep the city less dense and more suburban.

The issue was a major point of contention in the fight against Plano Tomorrow, the city’s earlier long-term planning guidelines. It was abandoned after a five-year legal battle with a group of local residents who said there was not enough civic participation. They claimed that the earlier plan encouraged high-density development that would change the suburban character of Plano.

A new long-term planning document, the Master Plan 2021, was recently approved by the city council. The plan, which helped allay local residents’ concerns, will serve as a guide for growth and redevelopment over the coming decades.

Plano leaders said the new plan is not perfect, but it will allow the city to move forward with its long-term planning.
