Fort Worth Stockyards Hosts Inaugural Vaquero Gathering – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

The first Vaquero Gathering, hosted by the American Paint Horse Association, will make history this weekend at the Fort Worth Stockyards.

The acquisition of the Stockyards October 8-10, highlights the contributions and pays homage to the Mexican charreria traditions.

“We are proud to share our national treasure, valuable history and culture with international visitors to the Stockyards. APHA has important relationships and a strong presence in Mexico; and we are proud that the Mexican charreria is celebrated in this historic location, ”said Francisco de la Torre, Consul of Mexico, in a press release.

“One of the greatest things we miss is our Hispanic heritage,” said Jimmy Ayala, a San Antonio man whose arena success story will be part of the three-day event.

“It’s called Honoring Both Worlds, the American Circuit and the Charreria Curcuit,” he said.

Ayala’s daughters Jackie and Emely perform at the equestrian event of Escaramuza, the side saddle queens of the Charreria. He is the coach of the Hacienda Santiago.

“The easiest way to explain Escamuraza is synchronized swimming, but on a horse. It’s like a ballet or horses going crazy and spinning. Everything is choreographed,” explained Jimmy Ayala.

“It is difficult. I tell you that, “said Jackie Ayala, 19.” Yes, you have to focus on your horse, but you have to look around for other girls perfectly. You have to make sure you cross at the right time because if one little thing gets mixed up, you hit. “

Escaramuza San Antonio was perfect in his masterful performance at the Texas Invitational Escaramuza, which debuted at the Fort Worth Stock Show and 2020 Rodeo.

The victory brought a new title and new attention.

“Because of the Fort Worth Stock Show Rodeo, they are paving the way for us on the American circuit to expand this further and to show where it all comes from. They don’t leave us outside,” said Jimmy Ayala.

Jackie Ayala shows that she is ready for the American racetrack. She decided to take her skills to a new level and last summer won a world title in the Reining category at the American Paint Horse Association’s World Show in Fort Worth.

“These are proud moments; those are proud dad moments, ”Jimmy smiled.

More proud moments will come at the Vaquero Gathering this weekend. The Ayalas and the hosting American Paint Horse Association hope to show the connection between cultures, how one rodeo style affects another, and what value it brings.

“This opening event demonstrates the vital role the early Native and Mexican vaqueros played in the first trail drives that started right here in the Stockyards history and recognizes the constant presence of Charros and Escaramuzas who drove the sport in the US and here in Fort Worth will continue to grow this October, “said
Billy Smith, executive director of APHA.

Events include horsemanship clinics, three horse show appearances in
the Cowtown Coliseum and a Vaquero (Mexican) Food Truck Competition


October 8: Friday events begin at 2pm with the first of three daily performances that tell the story of the beginnings of Mexican vaqueros, charros, and the history of Escaramuza during the Mexican Revolution.

October 9: The Saturday performance at 2pm will highlight the transfer of Mexican charro skills to the Vaqueros ranch and the celebrated horse traditions of the time.

October 10: The performance on Sunday takes place at 12 noon and is a historical compilation of the first two periods as a celebration of today’s Vaquero and Charro. In addition, Ascencion Banuelos hosts a traditional horsemanship clinic on Sunday that combines charro skills with modern competition.
