Government wants frivolous, sovereign citizen-type arguments kept out court
The US District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania is located on the 4th floor of the Holmes Building in Easton, PA. Not everyone attending this court today may agree on where it is or even on the jurisdiction of the court. Maybe the United States no longer exists.
Amos Miller and his Miller’s Organic Farm in Bird-in-Hand, PA, will appear in federal court trying to replace his attorney with Prairie Star National of Port Orchard, WA.
The questions pending in court are about who is representing Miller as the court is making him adhere to some basic food safety requirements – like slaughtering beef and poultry under USDA inspection.
We have not seen any claim that the Prairie Star “agent” is a lawyer willing to represent anyone in federal court. And very little of the agent addresses the real problems.
But the court’s files for today contained documents of Prairie Star’s beliefs and fantasies.
In an initial registration with the title “My Status. . . Your status, “it says:
- Unless you are a “federal government citizen,” you are not a US citizen by nature or by birth.
- Being a US citizen is not the same as being a US citizen.
- The government in Washington DC is not the American government, but a “Governmental Service Corporation” that provides government services.
- Governmental Service Corporation has adopted the name of the United States of America.
- There is not a single person for the 130 year old “Fraud and Fraud”.
- It’s a complicated story, but it starts with the Vatican buying the abandoned United States and dividing it in two.
Prairie Star National claims to have a valid “Durable Power of Attorney” as an appointed agent “for Amos Blank Miller – a living being – American citizen”. Prairie Star uses “Blank” as Miller’s middle name because his “first name or first name does not appear in court documents.”
Amos Miller is a resourceful man. He owns a farm spanning several states and owns a buyers’ club with which he sells nationwide. The Dallas attorney he plans to fire is a progressing professional.
It makes no sense for Amos Miller to introduce this “clown car” in his defense. And GOvernment attorneys do not want Miller’s attorney Steve Lafuente removed until he can be replaced by a qualified attorney.
“To the extent that Mr. Miller’s proven ignorance is real. Mr. Lafuento has led Mr. Miller away from frivolous, sovereign citizen arguments in the past, and he serves a meaningful purpose here to continue to do so, ”says an official file.
Prairie Star’s Lawful Advocate claims the US Department of Agriculture is really “bankrupt and broke” because the federal government has gone under financially.
The Lawful Advocate further claims that the US Department of Justice can only act if federal attorneys “list a TRUE secured creditor” on the matter on behalf of the USDA. That’s because the USDA is a “debtor as in a derivative of the United States of America, also a debtor in bankruptcy,” according to the Prairie Star filing.
Miller began changing legal representation around October 1. Before that, Lafuente made progress on behalf of his client.
Miller was fined $ 250,000 for disobeying the court in late August. Lafuente got the judge to postpone the deadline by documenting Miller’s progress to date, including:
- On or before July 22, Miller stopped slaughtering and delivering accessible animals.
- On or before July 22, Miller closed all open-access retail meat and poultry stores until federal and state requirements of the Disobedience Ordinance were met.
- On August 4, Miller disclosed to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) the name of the proposed qualified independent third party to conduct the inventory required by the disregard.
- On August 5th, information was posted on Miller’s Organic Farm website as required by the Contempt Code.
- On August 18, Miller reimbursed the FSIS for his enforcement expenses as required by the contempt order, and FSIS confirmed receipt of $ 14,436.26, which was the amount owed.
Miller vows all legal action is in place now, except for paying the $ 250,000 fine.
From this turn of events there seem to be three questions:
Why would Amos Miller take such a step to harm his defense, especially after the court acknowledged his progress?
Wants to quickly hire Judge Edward Smith Prairie Star and appoint a qualified attorney to represent Miller for the remainder of the trial.
Will the “Food Fredom” movement contain or give up on Prairie Star National?
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