Hall Street Property Owner Says Street Work Will Cripple Business – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

New streets and sidewalks are welcome in some locations, but a building owner in Dallas said Friday this would cripple their business in a clash between old and new.

Road works are coming on Hall Street, east of the Central Expressway, in front of a commercial building that Patrick Donlin bought in 2016.

Donlin said he invested money to make the place attractive to tenants and six small businesses now operate there.

“I remodeled the building in 2016 and welcomed gentrification in the neighborhood, but also created a home for locals who live in the community,” he said.

The neighborhood around his building is booming, which would be good for his investment, only the city is now planning to use most of his parking spaces to adapt his property to others.

New sidewalks would be set back from the street as they are next to an adjacent apartment complex. The sidewalk would be at the front door of his building with a grassy median that prevents parking at his building and also takes up space in his adjoining parking lot.

Instead of 13 fields, Donlin owned four. He is concerned that the occupancy certificates may have an impact on the companies that are required to have sufficient parking spaces under city regulations.

“It makes us harder to survive as a local small business and we shouldn’t be sacrificed to bigger businesses,” said Donlin.

Across Hall Street from his business, a large vacant lot that was once a public housing project received a Dallas City Council tax break on Wednesday for a supermarket and apartment project.

Kroger is a partner in this project, but city council supporters said the tax break applied to the affordable housing units the developer added to their project.

“Dallas needs more affordable housing and I think Kroger is great. I welcome you to the neighborhood, to the community. I just don’t want to sacrifice our chances of survival at Kroger’s expense, ”said Donlin.

A city website states that the Hall Street road and sidewalk project is expected to cost $ 536,433.

In an email response to a request for comment on Donlin’s concerns, a city spokesman said the project is slated to begin in early 2022 and that officials are aware of Donlin’s concerns.
