July 12 Herald & Review Yearbook | Lifestyle

Highlights of today’s story:

On July 12, 1984, Democratic presidential candidate Walter F. Mondale announced that he had elected New York Congressman Geraldine A. Ferraro as his running mate. Ferraro was the first woman to run for vice president with a ticket to a major political party.

In 1812, U.S. forces, led by General William Hull, invaded Canada during the War of 1812. (But Hull retired to Detroit shortly afterwards.)

In 1862, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed law approving the Army’s Medal of Honor.

In 1909, the House of Representatives joined the Senate, passed the Sixteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, granted federal income tax, and submitted it to the state. (Declared ratified in February 1913.)

In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was flown from the White House to a secret mountaintop as part of training with a simulated nuclear attack on Washington.

Invented by French electrician Andre Cassagnes in 1960, the drawing toy Etch A Sketch Magic Drawen was first made by Ohio Art.

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In 1962 the Rolling Stones made their first appearance at the Marquee in London.

In 1965, the Beach Boys single “California Girls” was released on Capitol Records.

A riot broke out in Newark, New Jersey in 1967 when police beat up a black cab driver. 26 people were killed in the following five days of violence.

In 1974 President Richard Nixon signed a bill to establish the Congressional Budget Office. Former White House advisor John Ehrlichman and three others have been convicted of collusion in violating the civil rights of a former psychiatrist by Daniel Ellsberg.

In 1991, a Japanese professor (Hitoshi Igarashi) translating Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses was found stabbed to death in Milan nine days after the attack on the Italian translator of the novel.

President Bill Clinton, who visited Germany in 1994, was the first US President since Harry Truman to travel to East Berlin.

In 2003 the USS Ronald Reagan, the first aircraft carrier named after the incumbent president, entered service in Norfolk, Virginia.

In 2011, President Barack Obama awarded Sgt. Prime Leroy Arthur Petrie loses his right hand by grabbing a live grenade to rescue his companions in Afghanistan. Michelle Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rosalynn Carter and former President George W. Bush attended the memorial service for former first lady Betty Ford in Palm Desert, California.

In 2016, President Barack Obama visited Dallas and last week five police officers were killed by a black man seeking revenge for the police murder. Obama said a week of severe violence seemed to uncover “the deepest fault line in our democracy,” but claimed the country was not as divided as it seemed. Bernie Sanders gave Hillary Clinton a hug and a handshake to nominate Hillary Clinton for President while appearing in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

In 2020, Florida set a national record with more than 15,500 COVID-19 cases reported daily. 21 people were slightly injured in an explosion and fire on the USS Bonhomme Richard, a naval assault ship at the San Diego Naval Base. The fire burns for more than 4 days. Actor Kelly Preston, who directed Jerry Maguire and Twins, died at the age of 57 after a two year battle with breast cancer. Her death words came from her husband, John Travolta.

July 12th Herald & Review Yearbook | lifestyle

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