Letters to the Editor — Abbott, data loss, photo ID, Afghanistan

Abbott’s disease

Re: “Abbot tests positive”, news from Wednesday.

How good that Governor Greg Abbott is tested daily for COVID-19 and receives the best possible medical treatment – a benefit that is denied to almost all of us Texans. He likely contracted the disease and / or helped spread the disease at the Republican event in Collin County, where of course not a single participant wore a mask.

Abbott will likely recover. Not so with our children, who are not given an injection and are forced to expose themselves to contagious classmates. Hospital intensive care units are fully occupied. The disease is airborne. It can linger in the room long after the person who exhaled it leaves the room. A mask prevents it from spreading – not to the wearer, but from the wearer to other people.

Even though I had three vaccinations, the effort is in vain because the chemotherapy I am receiving neutralizes the vaccine. You can’t tell when you look at me. If the governor breathed on me, I could die.

Lynda McCluer, Far North Dallas

Who will benefit from lost data?

Subject: “IT 101” by Thomas C. Wright, Tuesday Letters.

This letter writer generously believes that an IT professional working for the city of Dallas innocently forgot to back up data before attempting to upload it to the city’s servers, and the data was lost. Wright rightly points out that backing up important data is IT 101; Everyone over the age of 11 understands this.

In the most recent film, The Departed, the Latin term cui bono is used rhetorically to indicate the most likely perpetrator of a crime. It is unlikely that a knowledgeable and highly skilled IT professional would have innocently forgotten this crucial step. The rhetorical Latin question must be asked in this case: who is most likely to benefit from this so-called error?

Don West, East Dallas

Simple picture ID process

At 79, I consider myself a senior citizen. I have just renewed my driver’s license. I made an online appointment and was shown to a job as soon as I arrived. My records were checked along with my birth certificate and social security card. I did an eye test and had my picture taken.

The whole process took about 20 minutes. It is not difficult for a senior to get valid photo ID for the choice, as this experience shows. For those who claim an electric bill is sufficient, it may show that Joe Smith lives at 122 Maple St., but it does not prove that the person holding the electric bill is Joe Smith.

Ed Zingone, temple

Overhaul due

It is all too easy to target and blame President Joe Biden for the Afghanistan debacle. Why didn’t the Dallas Morning News explain who benefited from the Eternal Wars? The market value of the five largest defense companies has halved again in the last 20 years, as have the S&P 500 shares.

Defense industry executives and shareholders donate millions to political campaigns. Pentagon officials routinely take lucrative defense industry jobs. Even if he had achieved an orderly withdrawal, Biden is neither more nor less guilty than other people. Biden supported the wars as a senator and vice president. Every member of Congress except Barbara Lee should recognize their responsibility for the US failure in Afghanistan. No excuses and no explanations needed. Only Lee voted against the use of military force to support the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The US deserves a revision of both foreign policy and the military-industrial complex. The neoconservative agenda of intervening and arming other countries must come to an end. The US cannot justify or afford to spend more on defense than the next 11 countries combined.

Brian Dungan, Carrollton

Wrong welcome

Welcome refugees to the Park Cities Refugee Center. The North Dallas Refugee Housing Coalition. The Blue Star welcoming committee. The Dallas News Refugee Employment Center.

Will we quietly direct refugees to South Dallas and West Dallas? On The Bridge, Tafeln, Bonton Farms and on the many slum lords we let exist?

Will they become other people’s problems like we fight our wars with other people’s children?

Eric C. Foster, Gun Barrel City

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