Letters to the Editor – Discrimination, climate change, voting rights, Texas Rangers, masks

Go to the restaurants

Re: “Company discriminates against employees and guests, according to lawsuits – former employees say restaurants have laid off black, ‘ugly’ workers”, Wednesday Metro & Business Story.

Thank you for your current story on the discriminatory practices of some restaurants. This is not isolated. Just last month I was celebrating a birthday in a restaurant and found myself in the back room, surrounded by minorities. We had a reservation at 5pm and the place was empty by about 7pm. The front room was all Caucasian.

The month before, my husband and I were again housed in the back room at an African American family gathering while the front area was empty. Also at another restaurant I was once told we didn’t have a reservation, but after reading your story I wonder if the color of my skin has lost my place instead of blaming myself.

Please pay attention to People of Color and my Caucasian friends. If you see something, let me know. From that point on, I’ll call in my inner Rosa Parks and ask to be in front of the restaurant. It’s 2021. We can do better.

Chanda Parbhoo, Dallas

Take action against climate change now

Your stories of encouraging Texans to get involved in climate change policies and your regular updates on Dallas approving climate change plans are powerful reminders that we must act. I hope we can urge all of our elected representatives to address this crisis.

I live in Irving and have seen firsthand the effects of pollution (both land and air) on air quality in the area. In fact, both Dallas and Houston are among the most ozone-polluted metropolises in the country.

More importantly, remember that the effects of climate change are much more felt on the people of color and the poor, according to the American Lung Association. We need to act, and we need to direct resources to the poor and colored communities in particular, who are bearing the brunt of the effects of climate change.

I am glad our Senator John Cornyn made public statements and drafted bills to protect farmers and coastal areas, and to reaffirm his support for citizens affected by environmental change. As a next step, I hope that he and our government officials will support the Environmental Justice For All Act, which would ensure that when we act we also help those hardest hit by this crisis.

Maham Abbasi, Irving

Don’t punish Texas voters

Subject: “Honor Heroes With New Voting Laws – Legislation Must Provide Robust Protection That Activists Risked Their Lives For,” August 1 editorial

Cheers to the editors, who reflected the sentiments of the March for Democracy held in Austin the previous day and covered extensively by the Dallas Morning News! I particularly appreciated the emphasis on less affluent women and colored voters who would be punished by the anti-electoral laws lurking in the Texas Capitol. Let’s add that the seniors in Texas, the top voting population, will suffer too.

Some people argue that seniors voted Republicans, but they know polls will show that Texan seniors have a strong trend away from reactionary politicians. Americans, including older Americans, believe in democracy!

Gene Lantz, Dallas

Rangers strike

They know the Texas Rangers have had a terrible year when they finally get a story over their heads on the front cover of the Sports section, and they’re three A-level (not AAA or AA) Ranger minor league players.

Ray Wood, grapevine

Nothing funny about it

Subject: “Hateful Item in Comics,” by Barbara Cole, Wednesday Letters.

Kudos to Cole for her letter on Bruce Tinsley’s “non-weird” Mallard Fillmore flick on Sunday’s Dallas Morning News apologizing “for introducing another privileged white male oppressor into the world.” You took the words right out of my mouth.

My husband and I were offended by this as well and, on this day and at this time, with all the hatred and racism on the news, I cannot believe that Tinsley would think this was appropriate. We certainly don’t have to put “fuel in the fire” in any form.

I was also surprised that The News would even consider printing such a “cartoon”. I think both Tinsley and The News have to apologize to their readers and the public at large. The comics are supposed to entertain, not offend.

Jean Bunting, Bonham

The propaganda of the left satirized

Thank you Bruce Tinsley for your brilliant satirical message, which illustrates the absurdity of the “white privilege” propaganda being spread by the radical left. With the vast majority of America seeing this for what it is, you’ve gotten a weird reaction to it. Keep it up.

Nick Panza, Highland Village

Let the parents decide?

I’m so glad that Governor Greg Abbott is protecting our individual freedoms by leaving the decision on how to wear masks for children to their parents, not the experts. Maybe that should also apply to buckling up, and while he’s at it, maybe the parents should decide whether their 12-year-olds can buy cigarettes and beer.

Phil Mein, East Dallas

Held hostage to the maskless

I recently went to the Exall Park Recreation Center for a Senior Chair Yoga class. Neither the instructor nor the assistant wore masks. I left.

I’m really fed up with irresponsible, selfish people who think their “right” not to bother themselves with the right precautions, my right not to get infected with a deadly disease that I share with my neighbors in mine independently living senior skyscraper outweighs. rise.

When will those of us who are vaccinated, wearing masks and taking the proper precautions, stand up and say that we are no longer held hostage to the selfishness of those who do not wear masks?

Geoff Staples, Dallas / Deep Ellum

Build taking existing systems into account

Re: “Gentrification Cleans the Green,” by Robert Prejean, Wednesday Letters.

I fully agree with Mr. Prejean.

If developers want to tear down a home with 100 year old trees on the property to build a white box that goes from alley to road, they can at least try to replant it.

Perhaps when building new properties, developers should keep the actual property and green infrastructure in mind rather than looking for maximum square footage and profit.

William Dominguez, Richardson

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