Millions Follow Dumpster Diving Mama Make A Living From Trash – CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) – You have heard the old adage: “One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure”. A woman from North Texas takes that to the next level.
Tiffany Butler (Credit: CBS 11 News)
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“The most expensive thing I found was in the world market,” Tiffany Butler told CBS 11. “A closet worth $ 3,000.”
The mom of four is known on social media as The Dumpster Diving Mama. She makes videos of her trips through the area and shares them with her 2.2 million TikTok followers and viewers on Instagram and YouTube. It shows the “Do’s and Don’ts”.
“You can’t go if there’s a private property sign, you can’t go if there’s a sign and it’s locked,” she said.
Dumpster diving is often risky and there are many legal gray areas. At the national and state levels, the law itself isn’t illegal, but the laws vary between cities and counties. Entering is also a problem. Many dumpsters are located behind stores in shopping malls and that can be considered private property regardless of whether there is a registration or not. A lucrative business for Butler. Today it’s her full time job.
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“I just started doing it and then did flea markets,” said Butler. “After I got on TikTok, I created my website.”
Butler has an entire storage unit for items that she finds while diving and inventory sales. It all needs to be sorted out in order to be put up for sale on their website at a significant discount from retail prices. Their finds include unused makeup, pet products, furniture, and even baby items. While raking in about $ 1,000 a week with her finds, she said it wasn’t just about making money. It’s also about raising awareness about waste. She found everything from dumpsters full of frozen food to high-end purses.
In August, Butler found a dumpster full of coach bags. All of them had been slashed. She sold them to a fellow diver and activist from New York City who was making a video that went viral. Coach even responded that they will be discontinuing the practice and implementing solutions to responsibly reuse, recycle and reuse excess or damaged products.
For butlers, a typical night dive can take anywhere from eight to nine hours.
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“I always get the comment, ‘Well, you got it for free!'” Said Butler. “My petrol is not free, my truck was not free, my insurance is not free, my time is not free. If you want it for free, do it yourself. “