More vines that are worth your time

I promised to check out weed vines, which we deal with frequently, but that will have to wait a week as there are a few more recommended vines that we need to address first.

Confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) is similar to cute fall clematis, but is evergreen and a good choice, although it is prone to cold damage in harsh winters. It has dark green leaves, white flowers in summer and blooms in the sun or shade. Yellow jasmine (T. mandaianum) smells of lemon and is more cold-tolerant.

Coralvine (Antigonon leptopus) is a spectacular, large-growing deciduous vine for sun to light shade. It has pretty foliage and bright pink, white, or red flowers from late summer through fall. It freezes to the ground in most of Texas but returns reliably, especially the pink and red ones.

The silver-tip vine (Polygonum aubertii) comes from China and adapts well here. It is a deciduous, fast growing vine for full sun. Her white flowers in summer are showy and she is not fussy about water and fertilizer needs. It can even be a little aggressive and weed-like, but it’s not too difficult to control.

Chinese wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) is a fast growing, large, deciduous vine suitable for sun or filtered light. It can grow to great heights. Purple spring flowers appear before the foliage emerges. Japanese wisteria (W. floribunda) has longer white flowers that do not open until the foliage has opened. Many gardeners struggle to get wisteria to bloom.

Grapes (Vitis spp.) Are fast-growing climbers for trellis or overhead construction. These are deciduous vines with edible leaves and fruits, but they can also be used in the landscape. You need support to get started.

Morning Glories are fast growing annuals that come in many colors.(Howard Garrett / special article)

White-veined pipe (Aristolochia fimbriata) or white-veined Dutch pipe is only about 2 feet long in contrast to the larger-growing Dutch pipe. It is perennial with oval, white-veined leaves and small yellow-brown flowers that, as the common name suggests, resemble an old-fashioned meerschaum pipe. The larger Dutch pipe vine (A. macrophylla) has green leaves and large, dramatic flowers. Both attract the beautiful blue and black pipe tail butterflies, but be careful to avoid the tropical giant pipe plant (A. gigantea) which is poisonous to the butterflies.

Morning Glories (Ipomoea spp.) Are fast growing annuals that come in many colors. Ipomoea alba is the night blooming moon flower. Ipomoea tricolor is the common morning glory. Ipomoea quamoclit is the cypress vine or cardinal climber. Easily grown from seeds in most soils, Morning Glory is a kissing cousin of the bindweed, one of the weed vines for later discussion.

Butterfly vine (Mascagnia macroptera) is an evergreen vine that can easily be formed into a trellis or fence. It has yellow or orange flowers from April to September. It is relatively easy to grow in any soil, but does not grow well in pots. Butterflies love it, as the name suggests.
