North Texans should consider these oak, cypress and maple trees
Last week, I introduced you to some of the most popular trees to plant in North Texas. For the next group of wonderful trees, let’s discuss some oak, cypress, and maple trees.
Chinquapine oak (Quercus muehlenbergii) is a graceful, tall, dramatically open tree with real chinquapine leaves and light gray, flaky bark. Its autumn color is yellowish-brown and not spectacular. The tree’s acorns are less of a cleaning issue than other oak trees because they are smaller and preferred by wildlife.
Lacey oak (Quercus laceyi) is a beautiful, drought tolerant, medium-sized shade tree with blue-green, mature foliage and a peach-colored fall color. New growth in spring is a similar color and a very pleasant trait. It would not be able to withstand wet soil permanently. It’s an excellent size for home gardens and should be used more often.
The Mexican white oak (Quercus polymorpha) is often confusingly sold as the Monterrey oak. This evergreen tree has leathery and distinctive dark green foliage, is much cleaner than live oak, and doesn’t get overwhelmingly large. It’s a very neat oak that is one of my favorites. The hard frost in February hurt him a little, but most of the trees have recovered well.
The acorns of the chinquapine oak pose less of a cleaning problem than those of other oak trees because they are smaller and preferred by wildlife.(Howard Garrett / special article)
Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) is a deciduous conifer with a dramatically upright shape. It usually has a strong central stem that is pyramidal in shape at a young age but spreads out as it ages. Its foliage is light green, has a pointed texture and a reddish-brown autumn color. The branching structure is layered and distinctive. Common bald cypress has knee-woody protrusions that grow vertically from the roots.
Chlorosis (mineral deficiency) can be a problem when bald cypress is planted in alkaline soils. Acid-ground nursery trees can sometimes struggle in our black and white floors. Bald cypress trees, which are propagated and grown in alkaline nursery conditions, grow well in almost any soil. The difference is why in Texas you see beautiful, healthy bald cypress trees and others that are yellow, sick, and not growing. Crown gall, spider mites and bagworms also attack these stressed trees. The Basic Organic Program will deter the pests. The Sick Tree Treatment cures stressed trees, but it’s best to buy bald cypress trees that were grown to be happy in high pH alkaline soils.
Pond cypress and Montezuma cypress do not have this problem. The upright pond cypress has unfolded leaves that create a filamentous effect. The bald cypress Montezuma sheds earlier, holds its foliage longer in autumn, and grows quickly. She has no knees and is my favorite cypress.
Big-tooth maple (Acer grandidentatum) is a beautiful, upright to spreading tree with yellow to golden autumn colors. It can be easily grown in a variety of well-drained soils from sand to clay to rocky areas. This wonderful tree has few pest problems and little to no cosmetic leaf damage in summer. It is the best maple choice and should be planted more often.
You can find more detailed information on these great plants in my Texas Trees book or on