Our look at the historic day and its impact on our lives today

This week the nation celebrates the 20th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. From day zero, the day of the attacks, The Dallas Morning News covered the event and its aftermath, including its impact on the city and the war that followed.

Here is a collection of recent stories reflecting on that amazing day.


Dallas Morning News 9/11 special on Wednesday September 11, 2002.(DMN)

Bush’s decisions after 9/11 reverberate 20 years later, in the unsolved war on terror and the withdrawal of the Afghans Todd J. Gillman

Brotherhood Representation: Firefighters from the Dallas Area Rushed to Help First Responders on September 11, 2001 | Michael Williams

On September 11th there were new immigrants. It was a day that would shape life in their new home | Imelda García and María Ramos Pacheco

Air traffic threats united passengers after 9/11, but COVID-19 spurred aircraft division | Kyle Arnold

Terrorist attacks of September 11th mark two decades of dividing the border in the name of security | Alfredo Corchado and Angela Kocherga

For Muslims across North Texas, 9/11 sparked a wave of Islamophobia that continues to this day | Hojun Choi

Two decades later, airline crew members vow to keep memories of the 2001 terrorist attacks alive | Kyle Arnold


How Five Aggies Made The Red, White and Blue Out Game The Legendary 9/11 Tribute To Texas A&M | Kevin Sherrington

Rangers were stranded in San Francisco 20 years ago. You’re back this weekend remembering 9/11 | Evan Grant


Telling the 9/11 Story: See How The Dallas Morning News Covered The Historic Day And Its Consequences | Naomi Kaskela


More than a dozen D-FW events commemorate 9/11 | Norma Cavazos



Twenty years after 9/11, can we find some leadership to rally behind?

Places in D-FW to remember our 9/11 heroes


Dallas Morning News 9/11 special on Wednesday September 12, 2001.Dallas Morning News 9/11 special on Wednesday September 12, 2001.(DMN)

When the towers collapsed: an architecture critic remembers 9/11 | Mark Lamber

Sharing a name with the man who was the first official fatality on September 11th changed my life | Michael Richter

20 years after 9/11, US leadership is more important than ever | Kenneth Hersh

On September 11, 2001, as an ambassador to Australia, I got to know the depths of our friendship | Tom Slate

9/11 inspired a brief bipartisan era that no president could win back | Carl P. Leubsdorf

I was in the military when 9/11 changed my concept of service | Art delaCruz

“I was in a war zone”: Dallas Arts Executive Tells about the horror and healing of 9/11 | Charles Santos |

After 9/11 America was wary of terrorism. Then we got out | Austin Bay

US intelligence saved us from another 9/11 | Will Hurd

America must listen to the lessons of 9/11 | Barbara A. Perry

How the US could turn defeat in Afghanistan into a strategic strength | Carter Malkasian

Afghan women do not return to the dark times | Homeira Qaderi

Kurdistan shows what can be achieved with an eternal war | Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman
