Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger saw the sights and more Dallas news

It was a colorful week in Dallas with a rock star in town and a bunch of weirdos swarming the Grassy Knoll. There’s a clinic for Dallas renters this weekend and a new medical facility is coming to Oak Cliff.

Here’s what happened in Dallas this week:

Waiting for JFK Jr

Dallas made national news this week, thanks to a bunch of madmen hitting Dealey Plaza in search of JFK Jr.

It sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. A few hundred people showed up in Dallas on November 1st and 2nd, inspired by a QAnon theory that John F. Kennedy Jr., who was killed in a plane crash in 1999, should make an announcement from Grassy Knoll.

They were spotted near the AT&T district on Monday night and then gathered along the Grassy Knoll on Tuesday, waving Trump flags and campaign posters that read “Trump-Kennedy 2021” (although some said “Trump-Kennedy 2020” which was confusing)).

In a popular email it said:

“JFK Sr, Jackie and JFK Jr are introduced to the world again. JFK Sr will be traveling around for seven days [sic] Week, “week to remember,” and then it will pass. JFK Sr will be brought back and shown to the world on 11/2 in Dallas where he was shot on the lawn [sic] at Deiley [sic] Place. JFK Sr will transfer power to Donald Trump and JFK Jr will become Trump’s vice president. “

Mick Jagger watch

The Rolling Stones played at the Cotton Bowl on November 2nd, but frontman Mick Jagger was in town the day before, seeing the sights and tweeting his stops, which he often does before shows. On his itinerary were the Fair Park with the obligatory selfie in front of the venue and a visit to the African American Museum.

Unfortunately, many of the middle-aged attendees at the Cotton Bowl show encountered a traffic collapse that was worse than the usual Cotton Bowl event (which says something).

According to one participant, “They pre-sold parking lots to all the different parking lots and then opened an entrance on Fitzhugh that everyone had to go through regardless of what parking lot you paid for. For Starplex shows, 2 or 3 entrances are open Fitzhugh. ” Another said, “The worst traffic I’ve seen down there and I’ve been to Texas / OU many times and on show days.

New medical clinic

A new Marsalis Urgent Care Clinic is coming to the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Glendale, a medically underserved area, with services for the elderly and those with chronic health problems.

Dr. DG Edwards rented the premises in the Glendale Shopping Center in June 2020. Edwards worked in the Oak Cliff area until he closed his practice in 2001 when he moved to Lancaster to work in emergency medicine. He returned after discovering a need for resources in the medically underserved area.

To secure funding for the project, the City of Edwards has partnered with the Advance Community Fund, an emerging Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that supports economic development in low to middle income areas. The Advance Community Fund is a project recently founded by Chairman and CEO Michael Yorba to develop affordable housing, medical clinics and grocery stores in southern Dallas.

Construction work is scheduled to begin immediately and the opening is planned for early 2022.

Tenant clinic

The Office of Community Care in Dallas is hosting an event to help residents affected by COVID-19 who need help paying bills to learn about possible options in the city.

Rental Assistance is available to Dallas residents who are at or below 80 percent of the median income area (AMI). Those who are eligible can apply for emergency rent and utility assistance. Other organizations will be on hand to help with transportation, childcare and evacuation information.

The residents must bring the following documents with them: proof of tenant ID, copy of the current rental agreement, documents from the landlord with the amount owed and proof of income.

The event will take place on Saturday, November 6th from 12-3pm at the Lake Highlands Recreation Center on 9940 White Rock Trail.

You can also find an application for rent allowance online.

Do you need a vaccine?

This Sunday, November 7th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be a vaccination option in the Walmart Supercenter in 9301 Forest Ln. All Pfizer and Moderna cans will be available.
