Shortage of nonfood items forces Dallas schools to get creative

In this month’s roundup of this month’s top 5 most popular K-12 food management articles, the lack of non-food items forces Dallas schools to be creatively ranked as the top story of the week. The incomplete, late, or missed orders were bad enough, but then suppliers openly admitted that they couldn’t deliver the items requested and didn’t know when they would be available. The last omen was the depleted inventory: in a normal year, the Dallas Independent School District’s huge warehouse would maintain a 30-day supply of paper and other non-food items. In the spring of 2021, this supply shrank to three days in some cases.

Among other stories in this week’s gallery:

  • One On One With: High School Signs Food Forward Pledge to Increase Meatless Options
  • The renovation of the cafeteria increases the menu choice for students of the preparatory school

Click through the gallery to see more trending stories in the K-12 segment.
