Six Flags Over Texas Kicks Off 60th Anniversary Celebration – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Six Flags Over Texas will officially open its 60th season celebration on Saturday.

The amusement park opened its doors for the first time on Saturday, August 5th, 1961.

“This entire season has led to this anniversary celebration,” said Ron McKenzie, president of Six Flags Over Texas Park. “So many memories have been made here in the park over the past 60 seasons – from a first roller coaster ride to a first taste of funnel cake. We know that guests are thrilled to relive these memories – and create new ones for generations to come.” . ” come.”

According to Six Flags Over Texas, guests can experience a retrospective presentation of the park’s history through a 60th anniversary museum, showing physical and digital displays from July 31 to August 8.

At the park’s Crazy Horse Saloon, guests can view items and footage dating back to when the park was first built in 1959, the park said.

On August 5th, the first 10,000 guests inside the gates will receive a free button to commemorate the 60th anniversary. There will also be a ceremony in front of the Crazy Horse Saloon at 1pm with Park President Ron McKenzie speaking.

The park said guests can enjoy food and drinks, including Pink Thing bars, which can only be purchased for $ 1 on Aug. 5.

The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders will be headlining Ignite the Night, an event that coincides with a 60th anniversary fireworks display every night between August 5th and 8th.
