State Fair of Texas Provides Health Guidelines Before Opening Day – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
The State Fair of Texas opens in 30 days and the team is working to provide a safe environment for trade fair goers this year.
According to the trade fair organizers, trade fair visitors should be prepared to adhere to the relevant health guidelines in order to slow down the spread of the virus.
To ensure the safety of trade fair visitors, officials recommend getting vaccinated as the majority of all current COVID-19 cases are among unvaccinated people. Fair officials said they won’t require attendees to have a vaccination certificate or a recent COVID-19 negative test to enter the show, but Dallas County plans to give the Pfizer vaccine to those who get their first dose and that Moderna vaccine for people on their second dose.
Dallas County also plans to offer a $ 20 State Fair meal and ride voucher incentive to those eligible and receiving their vaccine during the fair, officials said.
Trade fair visitors should also make an informed decision about attending the trade fair, taking into account their personal health situation and how they can best protect themselves and their loved ones and keep them healthy.
The Texas Department of State Health Services has a website on COVID-19 with the latest information on tests, vaccinations, symptoms, protecting yourself and others, and more.
According to the trade fair organizers, trade fair visitors should wear face covers indoors and in overcrowded outdoor areas if they are older than 2 years and are medically able to wear one.
Attendees are asked to bring their own masks to the fair, but for those who forget, a supply will also be available at the gates, fair officials said.
Show representatives said attendees should also wear face covers when taking DART or any other form of public transport to the show.
According to officials, show attendees should also practice social distancing, spreading out when they can, and wearing a mask when they can’t. Officials said they made more space and added more outdoor seating in high-traffic areas.
Visitors should also consider visiting the show on a weekday rather than a weekend, as the days of the week are traditionally much less crowded and offer fair goers discounted entry offers.
Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands frequently. The Landesmesse provides more than 500 free hand disinfection stations across the entire exhibition grounds. In addition, there are hand disinfection stations in the stables and livestock areas, where it is particularly important to wash your hands after visiting the animals.
Participants should also stay at home if they are uncomfortable or have had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Anyone who tested positive for COVID-19, had symptoms or was in direct contact with an infected person within the 14 days prior to visiting the trade fair should stay at home.
All information can change according to the information provided by the trade fair organizers. Health and safety updates will be posted on
The 2021 State Fair of Texas opens on Friday, September 24th and runs through Sunday, October 17th. Season passes and premium tickets can be purchased online at