Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continues ban on vaccine mandates, wants Legislature to make it law

Updated at 6:05 p.m .: to include a statement from Dr. Include Fred Cerise from Parkland.

AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott continues to ban local governments, state universities, and public hospitals from requiring anyone to get a COVID-19 vaccination, despite the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine this week.

On Wednesday, Abbott, still in isolation after testing positive for the virus early last week, issued an executive order that continues to preclude vaccine mandates from state agencies and political divisions. His previous edict had just used COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency approval.

Abbott has also put the issue on the agenda for the current special session of the Legislature, which must end by September 5th.

In his proclamation, the Republican governor stated that earlier this year lawmakers approved a ban on corporate “vaccine passports”. Abbott said he acted to preserve “unity” and freedom of choice for individuals.

“In view of the previous measures taken by the legislature, maintaining the status quo of the ban on vaccine mandates and ensuring consistency until the legislature has examined it means extending the voluntary nature of COVID-19 vaccinations to all COVID-19 vaccinations, regardless of the regulatory status.” he said in the implementing regulation.

Abbott’s move, which appeared to thwart Parkland Memorial Hospital and other institutions’ plans to require vaccinations once the shots received final FDA approval, angered Democrats.

Rep. Julie Johnson, D-Carrollton noted that Abbott had “a battle royale” with school districts and local governments over masking requirements for Texans.

“Now he’s * ruthlessly * banned #VaccineMandates,” she tweeted. “How about you choose # COVID19 instead, Governor?”

Cases are rising, hospitals are filling and Texas is second only to Florida in the daily average of infections, noted Democratic MP Donna Howard, a former ICU nurse, of Austin.

“His original order for COVID-19 vaccines listed the fact that they were not yet FDA approved as part of the rationale for refusing to request them,” she said in a written statement issued by the Democratic Group of the House of Representatives was published.

“Now the Pfizer vaccine is FDA approved and it’s moving the goalposts. … Governor Abbott misses every opportunity to protect the health and safety of Texans. “

Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee, a Democrat, tweeted that “Bans on vaccine mandates were never about the vaccines not being approved by the FDA. We always knew that argument was insincere, but now it’s undeniable. “

“Avoid patchwork”

However, Abbott said in a written statement that he wanted lawmakers to weigh “whether state or local government agencies in Texas can require a person to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, and if so, what exemptions should apply to such a mandate “.

In the past, the legislature had allowed exceptions for certain diseases as well as for reasons of religion and conscience, he noted.

“Vaccine requirements and exemptions have been set by lawmakers in the past, and their involvement is especially important in avoiding a patchwork of vaccine mandates across Texas,” he said.

Abbott stated in the order that the legislature had “primacy” in establishing vaccination guidelines.

It paraphrases a lot of his July 29th order. Abbotts earlier consolidated masking prevention by school districts and other government entities in June, establishing three vaccine-related bans, each covering COVID-19 vaccines administered “under an emergency clearance” from the FDA:

· No “government agency” can force a person to have injections.

· State authorities and political subdivisions cannot establish rules that make entry or receipt of a benefit dependent on proof of vaccination.

· Neither public nor private entities, if the private entities are currently or will be receiving taxpayers’ money, may restrict participation or receipt of services to only those with a vaccination certificate.

The new regulation applies the same prohibitions to “any COVID-19 vaccine”.

Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots are still being administered under FDA preliminary approval.

On Monday, the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine received full federal approval for use in people age 16 and older, after clinical trials showing its good effects have now taken six months, rather than just two months.

Both under the Governor’s ordinances of July 29 and Wednesday, nursing homes and other community care facilities for the elderly and disabled can continue to require “documentation of a resident’s vaccination status for each COVID-19 vaccine”.

Abbott continues to urge coronavirus vaccinations for those who want one. But Texas is lagging behind many other states in vaccinating residents against the virus, one strain of which – the Delta variant – is weighing on the ability of many hospitals to treat patients. After spending billions on “medical care workers” last year, the state is trying again to find government health workers, especially nurses.

Abbott is also being targeted by two Republican challengers in the race for governor next year, former Dallas State Senator Don Huffines and former GOP chairman Allen West, for asking companies to limit or limit capacity to close in the first few months of last year’s pandemic.

His orders to forestall local masking requirements have sparked outrage, defiance in major Texas cities, and a variety of lawsuits. Abbott’s ban on vaccine mandates is also being tested.

On Wednesday, the San Antonio Independent School District said that despite the governor’s move, it would “move forward” with the requirement that all employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine by October 15 unless they have “a medical one.” or religious exception ”.

Inbox: San Antonio ISD, which has an employee vaccine mandate, says it plans to proceed with the mandate – and is opposed to Governor Greg Abbot’s latest ban on vaccine mandates #txlege pic.twitter.com/a6W3U6Uyb5

– Joshua Fechter 📝 (@JoshuaFechter) August 25, 2021

While big corporations like Dallas-based Texas Instruments require their employees to be vaccinated, and Delta Air Lines announced this week that it will be charging their employees $ 200 a month if they don’t, Abbotts is Order is not easily ignored by tax-financed institutions.

State universities and medical schools such as the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center are affected.

I am incredibly disappointed with the state executive order banning vaccine requirements today, just as the vaccine received full FDA approval. Once again, as soon as a new weapon becomes available in this battle, it will be taken away. We deserve better.

– Lina Hidalgo (@LinaHidalgoTX) August 25, 2021

Parkland Health & Hospital System, a publicly funded organization under Abbott’s mandate, recently announced to employees that they will have a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by September 24 and a second or single dose by October 24 J&J dose. fifteen.

On Wednesday, CEO Dr. Fred Cerise that Parkland was reviewing Abbott’s order.

The employee’s obligation to vaccinate is an “infection control measure,” which is similar to many hospitals mandating a flu vaccination, Cerise said in a written statement.

“We care for patients who are at high risk of contracting COVID and who are ill if they become infected,” he said. Patients with cancer and weakened immune systems are particularly susceptible, he noted.

“A large majority of Dallas private hospitals have compulsory vaccinations for their employees,” said Cerise. “Limiting Parkland’s ability to do the same to protect our patients will exacerbate the established gaps between lower-income and minority patients who are disproportionately dependent on Parkland for their care.”

Jericka Martinez, left, gives Christian Paniagua the COVID-19 vaccine during a vaccination pop-up clinic for DISD and Parkland Hospital at Samuell High School in Dallas, TX on June 28, 2021. (Jason Janik / Special Contributor )
