The disturbing link between veterans and Alzheimer’s, and what Houston experts are doing to fix it

Mike Allen knew that his father fought twice in the army in Vietnam.

Otherwise, Robert “Bobby” Allen didn’t talk about it.

“My father didn’t say much about his ministry, and especially not about his time in Vietnam,” recalls Allen. “When I grew up, I respected what he went through and what sacrifices he made for our country.”

Allen decided not to bring up the subject. He didn’t want his father to have to relive a difficult past.

His grandfather was a WWII fighter pilot and his uncle was also a Vietnam veteran. He assumes that they have all seen terrible things.

And they all belonged to a generation, explained Allen, who often didn’t talk about what they saw or how they felt.

Still, there’s one topic of conversation that everyone wants to inspire: the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia for veterans. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be relatively new concepts to many people his father’s age who served in combat.

“Back then, the term PTSD wasn’t even used,” he said. “But blows to the head, psychological stress, there are many connections.”

Allen said his father’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease had become most evident in the past two years.

“But when you look back, the signs were there,” he said.

Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and the Risk to Veterans

A bulletin published by the Alzheimer’s Association in March states that nearly half a million U.S. veterans have Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, the annual number of veterans diagnosed with dementia has increased more than 22 percent since 2008. And this number is expected to increase as the population ages.

There is some evidence that moderate and severe TBI increases the risk of developing certain types of dementia.

More than 1 in 5 combat wounds from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are associated with brain injuries, and more than 430,000 veterans have been diagnosed with TBI since 2000.

PTSD, which can be two to five times more common in veterans, is also associated with a higher risk of dementia. In fact, it can double the risk.

These results are for Dr. Robert H. Meaders, a retired Marine Captain with more than 23 years of experience in the Medical Corps, no surprise.

He is a specialist in preventive medicine and ophthalmology and has had his own practice for 10 years. He also worked with the World Health Organization and the International Eye Foundation.

From his home in Montgomery, he ran the nonprofit Operation Helmet for years, which he started in 2003.

The organization’s mission was to retrofit combat helmets with protective pads to reduce the risk of TBI.

Meaders stated that between 2006 and 2009, 18 percent of all troops, including those undiagnosed, had some form of traumatic brain injury; 1.5 percent had such severe trauma that they could not return to combat.

“And it’s not just direct trauma,” added Meaders. “It’s also the blast wave.”

Pressure waves – an area of ​​pressure after an explosion – ripple the helmet against the skull, which can hit the brain if it’s not properly padded.

This can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a progressive brain disease, Meaders said.

He said the majority of non-fatal injuries among veterans are SHT.

“It’s no wonder we’re seeing high incidences of dementia, Alzheimer’s and chronic traumatic encephalopathy,” Meaders said.

Operation Helmet sent 97,000 helmet upgrades out before it recently closed its doors.

“The military is starting to change their helmet styles,” added Meaders. “They’re lighter now, which encourages people to actually wear them. But even these do very little to protect against pressure waves. “

Identify modifiable risk factors

The study of risk factors such as TBI and PTSD is relatively new, said Richard Elbein, CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association Houston and Southeast Texas.

“This is our first time talking about risk reduction,” he said.

For a long time, Elbein explained, science did not support the idea that preventive measures could be taken.

“Now we know there are things we can do – diet, exercise, cognitive stimulation,” he said.

A 2020 study by the Lancet Commissions showed how lifestyle can affect dementia, explained Dr. Mark Kunik, a geriatric psychiatrist and professor at Baylor College of Medicine.

Kunik is also director of the behavioral health and implementation program at the Center for Innovation in Quality, Efficacy and Safety at Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center and director of the South Central Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center.

“We are learning more and more that there are changeable risk factors for dementia,” explains Kunik.

Risk factors are high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity and hearing loss. “All of this is often higher for veterans,” added Kunik.

The good news, he explained, is that diet, exercise, and social stimulation can all help prevent dementia.

“You can do something about it,” said Kunik. “The excitement really is in how we can move towards prevention, like we did with heart disease. Can we take the same approach to brain health? “

Find new ways to help veterans

Scientific research into risk factors, prevention and early detection has made the Alzheimer’s Association change.

“Our mission changed a little over a year ago,” said Elbein. “It got more focused. We want to show the way to end Alzheimer’s. “

This also means accelerating global research and maximizing the quality of patient care.

Elbein stated that the Alzheimer’s Association funded a study about 12 years ago to support the Department of Veterans Affairs standard of care for dementia.

“The study was very successful,” he says. “It showed that caregivers who received additional support were much less stressed and less likely to use medical care. It has helped us as an organization to focus more on the social services we offer. “

The study also cemented the relationship between the Alzheimer’s Association and the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston.

Prior to COVID-19, Alzheimer’s Association employees in Houston set up a table in the VA twice a month to help people with newly diagnosed dementia.

The organization is also working with the VA to get their age-friendly designation, which means the facility is set up to treat older patients.

The Houston Alzheimer’s Association continues to seek ways to better serve veterans and hosted a community forum last month.

“It will open the way for us,” said Elbein. “It’s like turning up the heat.”

In the meantime, the Alzheimer’s Association is ready – with an online resource finder for the community and a telephone hotline. The organization offers nursing advice to develop customized plans based on specific needs.

“We can take them to the resources that are best and create a plan to meet their future needs,” Elbein said.

Contribution to scientific research

Allen, a resident of Cypress, also found a way to be proactive in the face of his father’s diagnosis that he is often overwhelmed by.

“I had this empty feeling, I don’t know what to do,” Allen said. “I’ve Googled Alzheimer’s so many times.”

When the Alzheimer’s Association launched their Ride to End ALZ cycling event in Texas, everyone signed up. The event was scheduled in Wimberley last month.

“Maybe I can do something to help,” he thought.

His goal is to raise $ 500.

Then his wife reminded him of an obstacle: “Honey, you don’t have a bike. You are not driving. “

Allen had eight weeks to train. He hoped his spin courses would help him master two wheels.

“If I want to ask for money, I have to work for it,” he said.

Allen raised $ 650 on his first day. The next day, the number climbed to $ 950.

He kept increasing his donation goal. He ended up raising about $ 6,000 for Alzheimer’s research.

Before the big day, Allen called his mom, who lives in Dallas, and asked, “Is there any way you might shut down Dad?”

She said, “Definitely.”

His parents, along with his wife and two children, cheered him on at the finish line after he had covered 80 miles.

Everyone is now looking forward to doing the trip again next year.

He wants to help raise awareness – especially for other veterans with dementia. He hopes to stimulate the conversation.

“And that doesn’t cost a dollar,” he said.

Lindsay Peyton is a Houston-based freelance writer.
