Xavier University Students Receive Shelter, Hospitality in Dallas – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Several dozen students from Xavier University in New Orleans are currently seeking shelter at the Hyatt in downtown Dallas. The journey here has not been easy, but you are intrepid.

The Texas-Louisiana state line is often where resilience meets hospitality. That became evident late into the night when about 160 students from Xavier University took a bus from New Orleans to Dallas.

“It was very long. I’ve never done a road trip,” said the student Muna Ugoh. “We just hope that we can be back on campus as soon as possible when it’s safe for everyone.”

Hurricane Ida hit the Gulf Coast as a Category 4 storm. Given the devastation and long-term power outages, university management decided to evacuate.

“We knew there were only a certain number of days we could be out of power facilities,” said Curtis Wright, vice president, student affairs.

Accommodation and meals for the students are provided by the university. Wright said, however, that local partnerships were crucial; like the ones they founded with the TCU, which uses the same dining service as Xavier University.

“We go there in the morning, pick up the food, we bring it back here, and then our students can eat,” he said.

Emmanuel Ukot is President of Xavier’s Student Government Association. He said he was proud of the way students handled the uprooting.

“You’re starting to see that even if we’re down, we’re not out,” said Ukot.

They don’t lose timing either. Until exactly 16 years ago, many evacuations became permanent residences after Hurricane Katrina.

“It’s nice to know that there is a story where Texas opened its arms and said, ‘Hey, we have you,'” said Ukot.

Xavier students will begin virtual learning next Tuesday, September 7th. We were told that Xavier University officials hope to get students and faculty back on campus by September 11th.

The university said it will continue to evaluate the needs of all students to coordinate services and resources. Students should contact the student administration office studentservices@xula.edu
