‘You have 50 Democrats, every one is a president’ and other quotes of the week
“If you’re in the United States Senate and you’re President of the United States, and you have 50 Democrats, everyone is a President. So you have to sort things out. ”- President Joe Biden how he got his party to agree to his social infrastructure plan. (Friday, CNN)
“I just want him to be vaccinated wherever he can go. I will call him [pediatrician], I’m going to the pharmacy. The first to give me the appointment, I’ll be there. ”- Diana Arrezola, a mother in South Dallas who wants her 9 year old son, Miguel Reyes, to be vaccinated against COVID-19. (Thursday, Dallas Morning News)
“I have some real reservations because I think this is another example of a great government. And we don’t. ”- Texas Rep. Kel Seliger, R-Amarillo, on a law that would have prevented companies from requiring vaccines for their employees. The calculation failed. (Monday, Texas Grandstand)
“Really, at the end of the day it just feels like they’re telling the operators, ‘Get out there and do your best.’ You would hope so [plant operators and distribution companies] have already done their best. “- Adrian Shelley with Public Citizen watchdog group on the Texas Public Utility Commission’s approach to ensuring power generators run reliably in winter by doing their” best efforts “to troubleshoot problems that Fatal blackouts in February (Friday, Dallas Morning News)
“I think they tried to get cases of Democratic fraud. And that just wasn’t the case. It hit them in the face. ”- Eric Frank, a progressive election worker in Pennsylvania who was led by Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick claimed a $ 25,000 bounty for a tip that resulted in a single illegal election conviction by a registered Republican. Patrick had offered to pay cash for evidence of election fraud after Donald Trump lost the presidential election. (Thursday, Dallas Morning News)
“I’ve met so many people who have no hope, who say they feel helpless and hopeless. And I tell them, ‘Well, that’s because we’re always told to think globally, act locally.’ But in all honesty, when you think globally, you’re just so depressed … turn it the other way around … you and a few friends get together and start doing something and you find that you are making a difference. And then you find that in other parts of the world people think like you because they are being advised to take local action and you have made a difference and want to do more. And that inspires others. So it’s an upward spiral like this where hope grows through action. ”- Naturalist Jane Goodall (Monday, NPR)
“I used to ride my bike to work, but then I had kids and I was sure that if I continued to ride downtown without designated bike lanes I would die.” – Dallas attorney Stephen Green, who is a bike enthusiast and joined several Dallas councilors at a Bike to City Hall event to push for more bike lanes. (Thursday, KERA)
“At a new car dealer for service and in this dealership there are more coffee machines than new cars.” – Fort Worth Star Telegram columnist Bud Kennedy (Wednesday, Twitter)
“You are a bunch of bureaucrats with no imagination.” – Ian Brackenbury Channell, who served as the official magician of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, for more than two decades until he lost his job earlier this month after joking about violence against women and starting a “Save the Men”. Campaign to “Conserve the Latest Endangered Species”. (Monday, New York Times)